In conservation we always go that extra mile to hold on to original material. New materials are added in with restraint as not to disturb the original appearance. Each treatment is carefully and applied to prevent each item from further decline and to preserve them for the future.
If you have a book, document or a collection that you are considering for conservation feel free to contact us with no obligation.
As ICRI accredited conservator I follow Code of Ethics as laid down by the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organisations (E.C.C.O). This briefly means that:
- Our professional actions are guided by respect for the aesthetic and historical value and physical integrity of the object and by the principle of reversibility.
- We will not carry out any treatment unsuitable for the purpose of maintenance, conservation or restoration, and which does not serve the interests of the object.
- We observe a restraint in our actions. Conservation will only be carried out after research and consultation with the person commissioning the conservation.
- Every object will receive the best possible treatment according to modern standards regardless of its value and quality
Jonathan O’Donovan
Sarah Burn – St Patrick’s Church Greystones
J. McCafferty, Director, Mícheál O Cléirigh Institute. UCD
Mary Bourke and Keith Thomas
Renate Ni Uigin – The Kings Inns Library Dublin